Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

  • freelance educator
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March 7, 2023
Building a T-shirt from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I'm here at the retreat! We're back at Retreat at the Farm in Shelbourne. I arrived at 7 PM, and it's good to be back even if I have to work most of the week. Hey -- I have presentations to prep and samples to sew, but I can have more fun doing that while visiting with friends than being at home. 

I brought most things I need, and whatever I'm missing, then we'll make it up! There is one thing that I have a big issue with my phone charger. I have two, but again ...

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February 15, 2023
It's Zoom time! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh gosh --- it's a good that I did some tidying up the previous day cause it looks awful this morning. 

I had two Zoom sessions yesterday, and while one was the same content (sergers) as I offered last year, it was in a different language from the previous time, so a few things had to be changed to accommodate that. The other event (applique) is brand new, and resulted in tearing the place apart, looking for specific pieces or examples of stitching. 

I've ripped the tubs of tops to be quilted apart to find one quilt. TWO tubs ...

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February 11, 2023
Mom's home! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm HOME!! 

We said goodbye to the few remaining people on the sales team in the morning, and those who remained were off to work! What was that? Well, you don't need to know the details, but let's say we had a date with these. 

A big roll of purple fabric

A big roll of blue fabric

Those are rolls of fabric - as if you couldn't tell. While I could lift it onto the table, it was not easy. However, by the time we were done -- those rolls were much more manageable! Yep --- if you want ...

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February 10, 2023
Glass fusing -- before and after from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 OK -- so I'm still at the hotel. A few left last night, and more are leaving this morning, but three of us are staying until this afternoon. We have MORE work to do! 

While it's been a lot of work, it's also been a fun week. We've been able to get to know each other a bit more, and we've learned a ton, and it was well worth the time to be here. 

I don't think I know how much I must do when I get home. I'm in denial. I'm always ...

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February 9, 2023
And now for something NEW! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Yep -- the blog is late this morning! It was a very late night- sorting stuff and playing Santa! Then I couldn't sleep, so I was late getting up, and based on the weather forecast, I went for my walk as soon as I got up. Good thing I did because when I reached the turnaround point, I felt a few sprinkles, which turned into ice accretion. Do they say that? 

Anyway -- I made my KM for the morning (not for the day, but close), and there was little rain, just those ice pellets. The roads were still in pretty ...

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February 8, 2023
Geocaching in the dark from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh, I forgot to look for a geocache at the LOVE sign, and I bet there was one there. You have to understand, though, that when you're with a group of 8 other people, none of whom are into geocaching and they are hungry -- one doesn't take time to geocache! 

However, that didn't stop me from geocaching in the dark yesterday morning. 

I knew we had a heavy agenda for the day, and there probably wouldn't be time to get out for a walk. However, I managed to log 13 KM yesterday! Yep --- no cheating involved ...

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November 14, 2022
There's snow in the forecast! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm excited to hear I wasn't the only one that loved the York Heritage Quilt Show. Sadly -- it's over, but there's so much in the quilt world to keep us entertained! The organizers should be very pleased as the show was well organized and had lots of entertainment. 

I'm back home. I finished up at Thimble Quilts and Sewing Company (Windsor) around 4 PM and headed home. In the SNOW!!! What's that all about? I heard it was supposed to snow yesterday EVENING, not in the morning. Around 11 AM, I went out to ...

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October 12, 2021
It's all about LEARNING from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 It's a challenging world out there. What is more important? Making money? or having more likes? 

It's a tough choice for a lot of designers, makers, doers! Really - how do people decide how to distribute their content? And how do you choose whether you want to watch the free stuff or the paid stuff? I will say that you need to be careful whether the content is free or not. Just because someone has a video camera does NOT mean that what they put online is good information. Some of what I've seen is terrible. 

Not only ...

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January 9, 2020
Get up and dance! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK --- so I don't know how people can function in a day if they don't move. I've been trying to be really careful with what I eat. OK - so I've not been careful and it seems like it's all about the desserts here.

A sampling of desserts from last night

Yep - we went out last night and we got desserts to go (part of the daily special). I've been very bad and let others influence me in that area. I've cut down the amount I ate in the day and I've cut ...

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January 7, 2020
How to walk 10,000 steps in a day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I LOVE Elle's comment from yesterday. How excited she is to see where I walked my 10,000 steps. Well, you're going to love this story.

First off - here are my WHITE shoes. They're actually not that bad once I started walking with them. They're comfy. And now they're mine!! Actually, they were pretty comfy - just the tongue of one shoe needs to be adjusted a wee bit.

My white shoes

When you're in a new location, one must start by checking Google Maps to see where you are and the potential for walking ...

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January 6, 2020
Travel Day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Can you believe it - already on the road for 2020? I'm super excited about this week - it's our education week as a freelance educator for Husqvarna Viking and PFAFF. This is where we get to hear what's coming down the pipeline. Sorry - nothing will be shared until it's time. We get to provide feedback to the powers that be, build networks with our colleagues and learn, learn, learn!!!  It's going to be great fun, but the days will be long!

That means my FitBit is going to need a lot of care to get 10 ...

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October 5, 2019
More training from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm happy to report that I ate much healthier yesterday and my stomach thanks me for it. I guess I'm just not used to all kinds of sauces and rich food. Still, the portions are huge but when it's a salad with no dressing - that's OK.  The meat portions here are HUGE. I don't mind to eat meat, but the portions would feed me for a week back home.

I can't imagine eating all this food and not getting some exercise. We have a couple in our group who are into the gym. I ...

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  • freelance educator
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